Monday, February 17, 2014

What's a Mormon Coconut?

Why a coconut? Isn't that racist? Is it racist when you're poking fun at yourself? What if the intent isn't geared towards race, as much as identity? Isn't that kind of the same thing? Am I reading too much in to it? Maybe I should explain why I chose the title Mormon Coconut.

What is a coconut? Unless you live under a rock, you already know what a coconut is. It's hard and brown on the outside, and white and sweet on the inside. Kind of like me. Except I'm not really hard. I'm more squishy. Definitely brown, though. So how am I white on the inside? Let me give you a little background info.

I was born in a city on the East Coast to Puerto Rican parents. When I was a baby, my father joined the military and we moved to the tropical island of Hawaii. We also spent a few years in the very wet state of Washington. When people ask me where I'm from, I always say Hawaii because that's where I spent the majority of my youth. My first day of school was there. My first boyfriend and first kiss were there. Learning how to drive was there. Graduating from High School was there. So, Hawaii is my home. But, I don't really consider myself local, either. If you're from Hawaii, you know what I mean by local. I spent my youth with other military kids, living in military housing, surrounded by men and women in uniform. So, I'm very americanized, and very grateful for our service men and women. I cry at the national anthem, and I always smile when I see people in military uniforms. There's this part of me that wants to run up to them and say, "I'm a military brat. Thank you for your service! God bless America!" But I don't want to scare them, so I just smile and keep walking.

So, being americanized, I am not fluent in Spanish. In fact, I think I'm the only one in my family who doesn't speak it. My 15 year old speaks more Spanish than I do. And I love that! So what does a brown girl from Hawaii who is hispanic but doesn't speak Spanish call herself? A coconut! I hope that clears up the coconut question.

Now to the Mormon part. I am a Mormon. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have been a practicing Mormon for 20 years. I'm married to a Mormon and I'm raising my children Mormon. 

So what makes me so different from other Mormon's? Honestly, not much. Except, I am different. Most of the Mormons where I live are White, born in the Mormon faith, and somehow come from Pioneer heritage. I'm not white, and I'm not related to any Mormon Pioneers, except through marriage. A lot of the Mormons here come from big families. I don't. I'm an only child. Most of my friends have "normal" kids. I have 3 beautiful daughters, and a very handsome son with Autism. A lot of my friends my age either had a few kids when they were really young (which I did),  or they just kept having kids. I had 3 kids in the first 5 years of my marriage, and had another one 11 years later. Most of my friends had "normal" pregnancies. I had 2 premies, and for one pregnancy was in the hospital for 6 weeks, but spent 12 weeks on bedrest before that. 

So I don't really feel like the typical Mormon that you find in my neighborhood. But what is typical? If you figure that out, please let me know! 

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